027 - Halifax

I’m gonna tell you just the facts

I just came back from Halifax

It’s great to visit - for sure not torture

Just a lovely town in West Yorkshire

They say that up north can be grim

Or any other kind of synonym

But I found it to be very nice

Just a little short of paradise

I will say it didn’t rain constantly

Although there was a fair quantity

I’d certainly advise to take some lolly

So you can buy a decent brolly

On the whole I had a great time

But I think I’m past my prime

There’s lots of hills inside the town

It can be hard to walk up and down

So it might be best to go by car

Or maybe just watch it from afar

* * *

This poem appears in the book World’s Bestest Poetry Volume One, available from the Shop!


028 - Hate


026 - Needs